Infrastructure Management & Monitoring Suite


Benefits of Infrastructure Monitoring

Automatic Discovery Of Devices

Integratable Alerting

Centralised log aggregation

Automatic configuration backups

Realtime Performance

In today’s business environment, networks are critical for everyday operations.

However, the increasing number of security threats means that businesses need to take a proactive approach to ensure the security and performance of their networks.

Our technology offers continuous network monitoring that provides extensive visibility and control over the network.  This capability allows you to troubleshoot network, server, and possible application performance in real-time time.  Our solutions identify defects allowing you to quickly identify the root cause and eliminate it before operations are affected.

With our customised infrastructure management and monitoring suite, you can identify all devices that are connected to your network, including routers, switches, access points, and printers.

Additionally, you can determine firmware versions, ink levels of printer cartridges, and other critical data that give you a holistic view of your network.

Automatic network device configuration backups gives you peace of mind to know you can quickly recover in case of hardware failure. Coupled with our version control solution you are even able to accurately determine where exactly a configuration change might have caused an issue.

A centrally managed DCIM grants you a source-of-truth to allow all users insight to what they are working with.

Log aggregation gives you opportunity to search for patterns in log files as they are ingested. Paired with alerts you have quick response times to potential issues.

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